Cleanses are something very important to the body both inside and out! For HIM for HER and for your CHILDREN.

April, spring cleanse for self, body, mind and spirit, which is the one I will be embarking on now, if you want to join in that would be FANTASTICAL!!!

CALL TO ACTION  6 things to start out on our venture.

1) LOTS OF WATER, MOST IMPORTANT- ALKALINE WATER – I really love the healing effects it has on the body, skin, hair, teeth everything! SAW (structured alkaline water is easy to do not expensive to make at home without having a Kangan machine (which I love, but is a bit costly). SAW water can be made at home with filtered water from your tap or bottled water by making lemon water or lemonade (lemonade you put a tea or tablespoon of 100% whole maple syrup in the water, sounds acidic but actually has the opposite effect if you have high blood sugar just lemon water for you, make it and keep in fridge.

2) FIND OUT WHEN AND WHERE YOUR LOCAL FARMERS MARKET IS –  Lots of fruit and veggies, again if you are susceptible to candida, high glucose levels, or are diabetic the green drinks and veggies will be better for you while cleansing, try to buy the fruits and veggies in season!

3) GET YOURSELF A GOOD tampico fibre bristle body brush to use before you bathe, along with some natural sea sponges. By gently scrubbing over the surface of your skin with a brush before you get wet you will circulate your blood and get rid of all excess dry and dead skin opening up your pores. Then use the softer sea sponges whilst bathing. (softest for face, medium for body)

4) MAKE TIME IN YOUR SCHEDULE FOR EXERCISE. Even if it’s just setting your alarm an extra 10 minutes before you start your day so you can roll out of bed and do some stretches or walk around your block. Exercise awakens your mind body and soul and will enhance all the other good stuff you’re already doing for the rest of your cleanse.

5) GET READY TO ELIMINATE! You are already eliminating toxins from your body by the things you’re doing with this cleanse. Try not to cheat when you have a sugar craving by reaching instead for something like watermelon, however with watermelon make sure you only eat it on an empty tummy and three hours after whatever your last meal was. The other part of elimination and key to this cleanse is to either buy an enema kit from your local pharmacy or go buy a series of colonic’s.

6) MINDFULNESS. Breathing, meditation and spiritual affirmations are all integral to my cleanse and I recommend them. Shadows suffering comes from what is hidden and never goes away, bringing these things into our lives, breathing through them or we will never develop our true selves. Face it, embrace it, love it then lose it. Be free of fear and clear to see who you are and what you can be. Life begins today.

Brenda* Swanson









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